13 top tips to a healthier self esteem
Self esteem is all about the way we see and think about ourselves. Self esteem is made up of the the experiences and interpersonal relationships we have had in our life. Everyone you have ever met has added or taken away from how we see ourselves.
People with HIGH SELF ESTEEM like to meet new people, don’t worry how others judge them, have the courage to express themselves and take risks and try new things. People with high self-esteem are nicer to be around they have lots of new ideas and others want to hear what they have to say; and they have a positive outlook on life.
People with LOW-SELF ESTEEM, often don’t believe in themselves, they often see themselves as failing before they have begun anything new, they have a difficult time forgiving themselves for their mistakes and often believe they can never be as good as they should be. People with low self-esteem spend most of their time alone, complain and criticise and they worry about everything and often do not do anything.
13 Tips to a Healthier Self Esteem;
- Forgive for past mistakes
- Focus on what you do well
- Follow an example of someone you value
- Be positive about your strengths
- Focus on a positive attitude
- Get plenty of rest
- Make your work skills your own
- Practice your talents and things you like
- Get healthier
- Try new things, you never know you may enjoy it
- Take some risks and have a go…it doesn’t matter if you do not succeed!
- Improve relationships with others by being a good listener and talking positively.
- Keep good personal hygiene and dress well.
Final thought!
Everyone is UNIQUE, this makes you extraordinary already!
I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes;
“Congratulations! Today is your day, your mountain is waiting so… get on your way!” Dr Seuess