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We’re here to help you and your clients achieve great outcomes.

So why are more service providers choosing Discovery Holidays for their accessible travel services?



We take care of all the administration, allowing you to focus on your core business of delivering great services.



Our expertise is planning and delivering supported holidays. We’ve developed a risk-management system that keeps our guests safe wherever they travel.



Eliminate the admin costs involved in planning and booking travel.

How we can help.

Information for service providers


Planning a holiday is likely to entail a significant amount of administrative costs – not to  mention risk – for a service provider whose core business is generally more focused on the delivery of support services.

The Discovery Holidays Itinerary Planning Service offers you a simple solution to plan, organise, price and book a supported holiday for your clients. 

By using our Itinerary Planning Service, you’ll save administration time and money and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your staff and/or client are in a safe holiday environment with every detail designed specifically for their unique needs.

Information for service providers


Supported holiday packages are a convenient solution for agencies seeking to assist their clients to join an organised holiday because all the support and planning is taken care of by our team.

There’s no need to worry about insurance, invoicing, staff rosters, reservations, safety or logistics – our team have it all covered! Just introduce Discovery Holidays to your client (with consent), along with the contact for any nominated representatives, and we’ll get busy planning together.

Supported holidays are ideal for:

• Promoting social participation and inclusion
• Improving independence and skills-acquisition
• Allowing family breaks and respite
• Providing short-term supported accommodation
• Facilitating family travel
• Pursuing special interests and personal goals

Every supported holiday includes

Personalised planning meetings
Personalised planning meetings
Companion discounts and benefits
Companion discounts and benefits
Itinerary design and travel quotes
Itinerary design and travel quotes
Venue and supplier assessment
Venue and supplier assessment
Mobility equipment and special requests
Mobility equipment and special requests
Ready-to-travel checklist
Ready-to-travel checklist
Reservations and ticketing
Reservations and ticketing
Predeparture planning tips
Predeparture planning tips
Daily itinerary schedule
Daily itinerary schedule
Destination information
Destination information
Local emergency services contacts
Local emergency services contacts
What-to-bring checklist
What-to-bring checklist
Ticket wallets
Ticket wallets
Customer travel helpline
Customer travel helpline